This blog category focuses on the magnificent bears that inhabit Yellowstone National Park. From the iconic grizzly bear to the elusive black bear, these magnificent creatures play an essential role in the park’s ecosystem. Our blog posts cover a range of topics related to bear behavior, ecology, conservation, and human-bear interactions in Yellowstone. Whether you’re a wildlife enthusiast or simply curious about these fascinating creatures, our blog is the perfect destination for exploring the world of bears in Yellowstone National Park.

Bear Caused Human Injuries and Deaths In Yellowstone National Park
Information provided courtesy: Kerry A. Gunther Bear Management Office Yellowstone National Park From 1980-2002, over 62 million people visited Yellowstone National Park (YNP). During the same period, 32 people were injured by bears. The chance of being injured by a...
Guide to the Bears of Yellowstone Park
A complete guide to the two specie of bear that inhabit Yellowstone National Park.
Camping With Bears In Yellowstone Park
Camping With Bears In Yellowstone Park
Night of the Grizzly – A True Story Of Love And Death In The Wilderness
Tim Treadwell Incident - Full Report and Examination - A True Story Of Love And Death In The Wilderness
Bears and Menstruating Women
Bears and Menstruating Women. Should You Camp?
Bears In Your Backyard?
Guidelines for bear-proofing your property, and living with bears